Product Placement

Basic House Solution 1

We recommend the WAD 100 in the bathroom, the BluRay 150 in the kitchen and the Vapour vent in bedrooms and reception rooms as required. This system provides good continuous ventilation to lower humidity throughout your property. We provide ducting and external grills for all products mentioned.

The WAD 100 is designed to offer continuous preconditioned warm air via the bathroom, whilst the light is on, it extract moisture with auto humidity detection for a required extraction period. The incoming air is warmed slightly, this isn’t a replacement for a radiator or heater, but will reduce heating costs overall as dry air uses less energy to warn that humid air.

The BluRay 150 extracts continuously from low to high, providing continuous moisture decanting for your home. The fan is concealed 20cm into the wall so whilst the unit is always extracting it creates almost no noise.

The vapour vent is a passive unit which allows water migration via a sponge membrane. The membrane in the middle attracts water vapour whilst not causing a draft, causing less condensation to build up on windows overnight.

Basic House Solution 2

Our solution requires a BluRay 150 &100 for the kitchen and bathroom and a WAD Inline for the attic through to the outside to draw in external air, with an Inline kit, or, if the attic has dry clean air, a WAD Inline kit can be fitted without an external grille.

The BluRay systems are subsurface fans which look unobtrusive and not out of place as their design is a simple grille. This unit extracts continuously from low to high, causing low level air exchange across your home, providing continuous moisture extraction. The BluRay is positioned 20cm into the wall and even though they are always on they are exceptionally quiet. All electronics are hidden in the dead air zone within the wall sleeve, this means when placed in the bathroom it can be placed in electrical zone 1 (directly above the bath or shower). For the kitchen a 150 unit is recommended with a 160mm hole and for the bathroom a 100 unit with a 112mm hole.

A WAD Inline is fitted into the attic, with the vent going through to the outside. This allows the unit to draw in fresh external air rather than relying on the air from the attic which can often be damp and humid. This provides continuous ventilation to the wet areas within your property as well as providing continuous ventilation to lower overall humidity. The benefit of having a unit installed in the attic is that it is out of the way and often quieter due to where the unit will be situated.

Basic Cellar Solution

For the basement our solution is to have a Dryvent Inline through the wall at one end and a WAD Inline through the wall at the other. These would be fitted with a thermal cut out for times of high external temperature humidity. The thermal cut out is designed to avoid intake during high humid temperatures in the summer months. The system would provide good continuous ventilation to the wet areas and supply air that will provide cross ventilation to lower the humidities.

The WAD Inline incorporates a 200 watt heater that comes on when the temperature is below 14C. Whilst this only tempers the air, it importantly enables the incoming air to be at a lower humidity and ensures the exchanged air can decant excess moisture. The extracting unit, the Dryvent Inline, is situated at the opposite end of the room to the WAD Inline. By working together
both units offer higher extract rates when humidity increases are detected.